HomeLearning Nuggets

Learning Nuggets

Indoor Positioning System

Indoor Tracking Systems

Learning nugget #1: The basics​

This learning nugget is the first course of the learning pathway about basics of indoor tracking systems applied in manufacturing.

Indoor Tracking Systems

Learning nugget #2: Working Principles

This learning nugget is the second course of the learning pathway about the working principle of indoor tracking systems applied in manufacturing.

Indoor Tracking Systems

Learning nugget #3: The Positioning Engine

The positioning engine is a key part of indoor tracking systems, used to calculate and provide real-time location information. In this learning nugget, learners will learn how the positioning engine works, the data it uses, and its role in improving manufacturing operations.

Funding Program
Project Coordinator

Indah Lengkong

BIBA – Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH
Hochschulring 20
28359 Bremen

+49 421 218-50 189
len(at)biba.uni-bremen(dot)de www.biba.uni-bremen.de
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